CAI provides an array of services for service recipients 18 years and older.
Community Based:
Approved Community Based Vocational Services are pre-planned; documented activities supported by a schedule related to the service recipients identified employment outcomes. Approved activities include:
- Active participation in formalized volunteer activities
- Active participation in paid or unpaid work experiences in community settings.
- Stamina enhancing programs
- Transportation to and from employment activities
- Job tours, shadowing
- Meals and breaks which occur during a service recipients employment activities
These services are available in individual or group placements (2 – 5) persons.
Job Coaching:
Are pre-planned, documented activities that include training at the work site to promote the service recipients capacity to secure and maintain integrated employment at a job paying at least minimum wage. Efforts are made in cooperation with employers to adapt normal work environments to fit the needs of service recipients. Job Coaching services are available for individual and group placements. The service recipient’s team evaluates the need for job coaching services each year.
Stabilization Services:
Are ongoing support services needed to maintain an individual in a paid work position when job coaching intervention has been reduced to less than 20% of the total work hours. Stabilization services are provided for up to two (2) years per job. This time is used to develop “natural” supports at the work site that will assist the individual in maintain the job permanently without paid staff.
CAI can transport service recipients (18 years of age and older) to medical appointments, vocational sites and approved community outings, this service is done in company owned cars and vans or staff members personal vehicle. If the service recipient is approved for adaptive transportation, we have adapted vans available to provide that service.